Monday, September 1, 2008


Psychrometric Charts... they are the worst form of torture invented by humanity since the rack. Seriously, whoever thought of putting all those variables on one chart was tip-toeing the line between genius and insanity, but not on the ground like most of us do; no, he was a thousand feet in the air on a tight rope over a canyon and had a 60 mph wind pushing him to the insane side.

On a side note, I've decided to get involved more with AIChE this year, maybe even do a competition or two with them. I am also really excited for the marching band show this week; Sweet caroline...duh duh duh....., speaking of which: getting my uniform before band camp probably wasn't the best of ideas, I've lost about 3 inches around the waist and moved that up to my arms and shoulders since I play baritone. My uniform top looks like my football uniform used to look like in high school when I had pads under it...oops!

While I'm thinking about it you should check out a band I discovered this last week that has been all I have listened to since then : Rise Against- they're like a mix of punk, rock, metal, emo, screamo, and really good acoustic songs and really good instrumentals and vocals on the other songs....I love it.

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